Chile Road and Physical Travel Reference Map.
Scale 1:1,770,000. Size 27"x39". Indexed. International Travel Maps edition. Chile is a very long, thin country, so is best portrayed in a series of three strip maps. This enables a scale...
Scale 1:1,770,000. Size 27"x39". Indexed. International Travel Maps edition.
Chile is a very long, thin country, so is best portrayed in a series of three strip maps. This enables a scale that expands information while retaining ease of use. Printed on durable plastic paper, the ITMB map is hardy enough to stand up to any trip.
The map also includes inset maps of central Santiago, Santiago region, Santiago transit, Easter Island, and Robinson Crusoe Island "Alexander Selkirk was the unfortunate real-life castaway immortalized in Robert Louis Stevenson’s marvelous fictional account of Robinson Crusoe".