Brazil Road Atlases Road Map, Detailed, Travel, Tourist, Driving

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Argentina, Bolivia, All of Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay, Tourist Road ATLAS.

160 pages. Zagier & Urruty edition. Covers Argentina, Bolivia, all of Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay. 2006 edition. ~ Out of Print - Discontinued ~
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Explore the South American country called Brazil as a localite with our Atlases

Brazil is a country located in South America. The total area occupied by this lovely country is nearly 3,265,080 square kms, which is nearly half of the entire South America. The country shares it border with The Atlantic Ocean. The other country with whom Brazil share the borders includes Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Guyana, Paraguay, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela and France (to be specific – French Guinea). The geographical structure of Brazil includes mountainous structure as well as the road web which Brazil has. The highest peak located in Brazil is Pico da Neblina which is said to be 2,994 above the sea level.

Mostly the communication channel in Brazil is via the highways, it has got some state highways as well as some national highway. It has the fourth largest web of highway around the world. It is quite easier to carry freight from the highways rather than any other mode of commutation. Though Brazil has some weirdest accidents which happened on the highway, still it remains the fact that the no. of state highways include 90% of unpaved roads while the mere 10% roads are fully paved and properly built.

BR-320 (The Trans-Amazon Highway) was unveiled in the year 1972. It is a 4000 km long highway, and the third longest highway in Brazil. The total road web is nearly of 2 million kilometers wherein only 2 lac km are paved. The usual speed on the road or highway is nearly 110 km/h which is accepted. The Major Brazilian highway includes; BR-010, BR-040, BR-101 and BR- 230. There are many state highways as well; one can explore the roads leading to your destination without any hassle with our Maps. Since our Maps are user friendly and the highways are clearly mentioned in our road maps. The maps can really come handy in case you opt for driving in a new country like Brazil. Be rest assured and use our maps to explore the best destination without thinking twice.

Brazil Road Atlases for Tourists and Travelers

Detailed Road Atlas of Brazil

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