Great Journeys ~
Maps to Anywhere
International Travel Map Directory
with over 14,800 maps and atlas listings to every important travel destination in the world.

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~ Since 1973 ~
We specialize in travel videos, road maps to countries and cities all around the world, and in foreign language courses.
To make your next journey a “great journey”, please explore our wide range of Detailed Road Maps, and choose the ones that would be most suitable for your trip. Our maps are great for trip planning and will take you right to the places you want to go. We have over 14,500 road maps to choose from. See everything! Travel independent and free. Avoid frustration, have fun and never get lost.
Also, if you want to plan before you go, view our 3,850 Travel Videos for amazing ideas for the best sightseeing and things to do. We even have 100’s of DVD’s showing remote and unusual locations that you may never have thought of. Travel adventures, driving tours, scenic walking, river boating, and train journeys are all listed for your pleasure.
You might also want to say a few words in the local language and endear yourself to the population of that country. You will be surprised at how many smiles you would get, and how much more helpful people would be, if you could say just a few words in the native tongue. We have a great selection of more than 1,000 different Foreign Language Courses going from beginner to advanced levels, which would be a perfect match for your needs. In just 30 minutes a day, three times a week, you would be speaking like a native in no time.
And if you have any questions about any of our products, please feel free to “Contact Us” and we’ll do our best to help you.
Happy Traveling!
Great Journeys Inc.