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Biertan (Biyertan) - Travel Video.

DVD. Global Treasures. 10 Minutes. Amid the enchanting wine region of Transylvania is the small village of Biert?n formerly known as, Birth?lm, one of the region's oldest settlements. An impressive...
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Bucharest & the Transylvanian Countryside Romania - Travel Video.

DVD. Passport to Adventure. How does a country recover from decades of oppression &dictatorship? Traveling in Romania is like entering a kaleidoscope of history - the countryside, redolent of times...
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Churches of Moldavia (BYZANTINE MOLDAVIA) Romania - Travel Video.

DVD. Global Treasures. 10 Minutes. Byzantine Moldavia The world famous Moldau Monasteries, also known as the Bukowina Monasteries, are among the most beautiful examples of Romanian art and have been...
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Horezu (Monastery of Horezu) Romania - Travel Video.

DVD. Global Treasures. 10 Minutes. In the midst of the wooded hills of Oltenia?s Carpathian countryside is the Horezu Monastery that was donated by Prince Constantin Br?ncoveanu. The building was...
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The Danube Delta Romani Travel Video.

DVD. Nature Wonders. 10 Minutes. Covering an area of around half a million hectares, the Danube Delta is the second largest river delta in Europe, the largest part being in...
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The Danube Delta RomaniTravel Video.

DVD. Nature Parks The Danube Delta, the second largest in Europe after that of the Volga, is located in the northeast of the Dobrudzha and covers a total area of...
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Transylvania - Travel Video.

DVD. Cities of the World. 60 Minutes. Transylvania boasts in various extremely beautiful landscapes. Its mountaintops are crowned by castle ruins, in its steep creeks rivers are twisting. In the...
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Take a virtual tour to Romania with Romania travel video featuring fascinating culture and scenic beauties of Romania to have a truly unforgettable experience.