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SKU: BESS18123

Chamorro Language Word Book and Audio CD.

Bess Press. 112 pages. Illustrations. The book features 200-400 illustrated introductory vocabulary words, a pronunciation guide, and glossaries. The categories which include family, home, school, the body, clothing, food, opposites,...
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SKU: UHAW18126

Chamorro Reference Grammar.

University of Hawaii Press. Chamorro Reference Grammar is a detailed description of the grammatical structure of the indigenous language of the Marian Islands. It is designed primarily as a reference...
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SKU: UHAW18125

Chamorro-English Dictionary.

University of Hawaii Press. 366 pages. The Chamorro-English Dictionary provides an alphabetical listing of as many Chamorro words as could be collected, spelled according to the principles adopted by the...
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SKU: UHAW18122

Spoken Chamorro Language Course (Book).

University of Hawaii Press. 376 pages. Spoken Chamorro is designed to enable the student to learn to speak and understand the Chamorro language the way native speakers do in their...
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Chamorro language courses, audio, CD ROM, learn, speak, instruction, dictionary, for independent travellers. Easy and fun.