Wales Road Map, Detailed, Travel, Tourist, Driving
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SKU: ITMB14492
Cardiff and Wales Tourist Road and Physical Travel Reference Map.
Scale 1:8,000 / 1:300,000 . Size 27"x39". International Travel Maps edition. Cardiff is the capital of Wales, and is also an international access point to the UK; a map seems desirable....
SKU: GEAZ14487
CARDIFF, Wales, United Kingdom.
Scale 1:15,800. Size 36"46" (this is a big map!). Geographers A-Z edition.
SKU: GEAZ14481
Wales and Central England Road and Tourist Map.
Scale 1:317,000. Size 35"x45". Geographers A-Z edition.
SKU: GEAZ14482
Wales North Road and Tourist Map.
Scale 1:200,000. Size 35"x45". Geographers A-Z edition.
SKU: GEAZ14484
Wales Road and Tourist Atlas.
Scale 1:158,000. Size 6?"x9?". 88 pages. Geographers A-Z edition.
SKU: ORDN14480
Wales, England and Scotland "Routeplanner" Road and Tourist Map.
Scale 1:625,000. Size 38"x50" (this is a big map!). Fully indexed. Ordnance Survey edition. Printed on both sides. Road numbers and distances between points are very easy to read on...
SKU: ORDN14476
Wales, North, Road and Shaded Relief Road Map, United Kingdom.
Scale 1:175,000. Size 37"x45" (big map!). Ordnance Survey edition. Very large-scale maps makes it easy to see everything up close and personal.
SKU: 14477
Wales, South, Road and Shaded Relief Road Maps, United Kingdom.
Scale 1:175,000. Size 37"x45" each map (big map!). Ordnance Survey edition. Very large-scale maps makes it easy to see everything up close and personal. Please see above description for this...
Wales road maps, travel, tourist, driving, atlas, topographic, street, city, Cardiff. See everything! Never get lost.