Caribbean, the Bahamas, and Central America, Road and Shaded Relief Tourist WALL Map.
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Size 39"x27". Scale 1:3,500,000. Laminated. Includes all the islands of the Caribbean and the Bahamas, plus the Central America countries, and blowup inset maps of the major islands of Jamaica, Puerto...
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Size 39"x27". Scale 1:3,500,000. Laminated. Includes all the islands of the Caribbean and the Bahamas, plus the Central America countries, and blowup inset maps of the major islands of Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Martinique, Barbados, St. Thomas, Sint Maarten, and New Providence. On the reverse side are color photos and considerable information on 20 individual islands, plus a mileage chart and weather patterns. A very colorful and attractive map. Enormously useful. SAMPLE MAP

Caribbean, the Bahamas, and Central America, Road and Shaded Relief Tourist WALL Map.