Afghanistan Road and Physical Travel Reference Map.
Scale 1:1,000,000. Size 27"x39". Indexed. International Travel Maps edition. This is a large-scale, double-sided map. Includes more than 4,000 cities and mountain villages. Very detailed.Afghanistan is a lovely country, and is...
Scale 1:1,000,000. Size 27"x39". Indexed. International Travel Maps edition. This is a large-scale, double-sided map. Includes more than 4,000 cities and mountain villages. Very detailed.
Afghanistan is a lovely country, and is slowly coming out of an extremely bad situation. It is still quite an unsafe country, and fighting could flare up again in the spring. Regardless, it is a strategically important country, and one that ITMB has taken quite a bit of effort to make into a significant map. This is essentially a reprint of the previous edition. Not only is there little change occurring, but the previous edition was prepared relatively recently, so there hasn’t been enough time for change to occur.