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Atlantis Bahamas - Travel Video.
DVD. Modern Times Wonders The most famous architectural landmark of the Caribbean metropolis of Nassau is situated on a five kilometre long island off the coast on Paradise Island, the...
SKU: MODN17852
Burj Al Arab Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Travel Video.
DVD. Modern Times Wonders The latest symbol of the Emirates, Dubai's Burj Al Arab, is an Arabian tower that extends high into the sky, the only seven star hotel in...
C.N. Tower & Skydome Toronto, Canada - Travel Video.
DVD. Modern Times Wonders Located on Lake Ontario, the C.N. Tower looms 5,535 metres into the sky. Four external lifts race upwards at a speed of six metres per second...
Canadian Railway, Canada - Travel Video.
DVD. Modern Times Wonders In Halifax, on Canada's east coast, one of the world's most famous train journeys begins. On the Canadian Railway, an amazing journey across the North American...
SKU: MODN17855
Emirates Palace Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates - Travel Video.
DVD. Modern Times Wonders Abu Dhabi is the capital city of the United Arab Emirates and due to its immense natural resources of oil and gas, has seen much transformation,...
Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco - Travel Video.
DVD. Modern Times Wonders The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the most beautiful bridges in the world and hangs majestically like a giant gateway over San Francisco Bay. In...
SKU: MODN17877
Grande Mosquee Hassan II Casablanca, Morocco - Travel Video.
DVD. Modern Times Wonders The Grande Mosqu?e Hassan II dominates the skyline of the Moroccan city of Casablanca. After Mecca, it is undoubtedly the most extraordinary mosque complex in the...
Hoover Dam & Lake Mead Nevada - Travel Video.
DVD. Modern Times Wonders Located in the Southwestern region of the United States, Lake Mead is surrounded by the Mojave, Great Basin and Sonora deserts. It contains 35 billion cubic...
Itaipu Iguazu, South America - Travel Video.
DVD. Modern Times Wonders The thirteen hundred kilometre Rio Iguazu flows into the Rio Parana, the third largest major river of South America where, on the border between Brazil and...
Kaprun Dam Salzburg, Austria - Travel Video.
DVD. Modern Times Wonders Kaprun Valley is not only famous for its splendid natural scenery where one can relax in peaceful surroundings, it is also famous for its technical achievements....
Kennedy Space Center Florida - Travel Video.
DVD. Modern Times Wonders On the east coast of the Florida Peninsula, Cape Canaveral juts out into the Atlantic, an uninhabitable area that consists of lagoons, mangrove swamps and marshes....
La Sagrada Familia Barcelona Spain - Travel Video.
DVD. Modern Times Wonders In 1883, Antonio Gaudi accepted the commission to continue the construction of the `Church of the Poor', La Sagrada Familia. Located to the north of Barcelona,...
Las Vegas Strip Nevada - Travel Video.
DVD. Modern Times Wonders A frenetic neon mirage in the desert, that's the Las Vegas Strip! A pyramid looms up from this desert haven, guarded by a sphinx. An excursion...
Le Tour Olympique Montreal, Canada - Travel Video.
DVD. Modern Times Wonders Le Tour Olympique is the highest leaning tower in the world that, built at a cost of 1.2 billion dollars, has become a landmark of Montreal,...
Qinghai Express - Travel Video.
DVD. Modern Times Wonders The Third Millennium marked the inauguration of a unique train, the Tibet Qinghai Express that travels from China to Tibet. A railroad through the Himalayas on...
Statue of Liberty New York - Travel Video.
DVD. Modern Times Wonders Situated in New York Harbor, the Statue of Liberty has become the proud symbol of the United States of America.T he statue of the Goddess of...
Tour D'Eiffel Paris - Travel Video.
DVD. Modern Times Wonders Named after its creator, Gustave Eiffel, the Tour d'Eiffel has adorned the French capital of Paris for more than a century. It was erected in 1886...
Voyager of the Seas Royal Carribean Cruise Lines - Travel Video.
DVD. Modern Times Wonders The Royal Caribbean's gigantic cruise ship, Voyager of the Seas, is a technical wonder of modern times and also the largest ocean-going cruise ship in the...
Voyager of the Seas Royal Carribean Cruise Lines - Travel Video.
DVD. Modern Times Wonders The Royal Caribbean's gigantic cruise ship, Voyager of the Seas, is a technical wonder of modern times and also the largest ocean-going cruise ship in the...