Hippocrene Books

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Beginner's Hungarian Audio CD Language Course.

Includes 2 audio CD discs and a 167-page textbook. Beginner's Hungarian with 2 Audio CDs provides basic instruction in conversational Hungarian, presenting grammar, vocabulary, and common phrases in clear, concise...
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Beginner's Iraqi Arabic Audio CD Language Course.

Includes 2 audio CD discs. 360 page. This introduction to the Iraqi Arabic dialect is designed for both classroom use and self-study. The 12 lessons combine dialogues with easy-to-follow grammatical...
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Beginner's Iraqi Audio CD Language Course.

Includes 2 audio CD discs. 360 page. This introduction to the Iraqi dialect is designed for both classroom use and self-study. The 12 lessons combine dialogues with easy-to-follow grammatical explanations,...
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Beginner's Irish Audio CD Language Course.

Hippocrene Books. Includes one audio CD and a 145-page textbook. Beginner's Irish offers basic Irish language instruction, presenting grammar, vocabulary, and common phrases in clear, concise lessons. Review questions and...
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Beginner's Japanese Audio CD Language Course.

Hippocrene Books. Includes two audio CD discs and a textbook. "Beginner's Japanese" teaches the basics of Japanese grammar, vocabulary, and conversation in 25 easy-to-follow lessons. Its unique approach combines dialogues,...
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Beginner's Korean Audio CD Language Course.

Hippocrene Books. 510 pages. Size 5?"x8?". Includes two 60-minute audio CD discs. This introduction to Korean is designed for both classroom use and self-study. The 12 lessons combine dialogues with...
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Beginner's Norwegian Audio CD Language Course.

Includes 2 audio CD discs. 286 pages. This introduction to the Norwegian language is designed for both classroom use and self-study. The 13 lessons are intended for the beginning student....
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Beginner's Polish Audio CD Language Course.

Includes 2 audio CD discs. 118 pages. Basics of Polish grammar and vocabulary in 11 easy-to-follow lessons, developed around topics such as going through customs, checking into a hotel, extending...
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SKU: HIPP18384

Beginner's Serbo-Croatian Language.

Hippocrene Books. 257 pages. Size 5?"x8?". This introductory guide to the Serbo-Croatian language teaches essential grammar and vocabulary in 10 concise lessons. A historical overview of the Balkan region and...
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Beginner's Shona.

Hippocrene Books. Size 5?"x8?". 201 pages. Softcover. The basics of Chisona, the most widely spoken form of Shona, are taught here in twelve comprehensive lessons. Each lesson includes a practice...
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Beginner's Sicilian Language.

Hippocrene Books. Sicily has recently been "discovered" by Americans as an enchanting vacation land with a colorful landscape, a mild climate and historic sites. This book includes a pronunciation guide,...
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Beginner's Swedish Audio CD Language Course.

Includes 2 audio CD discs. Hippocrene Books. 265 pages. This popular introduction features ten lessons ideal for both classroom use and self-study. Each lesson includes dialogues, basic vocabulary, and easy-to-follow...
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Beginner's Yoruba Audio CD Language Course.

280 pages. Includes two 80-MINUTE AUDIO CD Discs. This language course provides an introduction to the Yoruba language, which is spoken by more than 30 million people in southwestern Nigeria,...
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Beginners Czech with 2 Audio CDs.

Hippocrene Books. 167 pages. Beginner's Czech offers basic language instruction, presenting grammar, vocabulary, and common phrases in clear, concise lessons. Review questions and exercises accompany each lesson. Historical and cultural...
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SKU: HIPP18118

Bosnian-English, English Bosnian Language, Concise Dictionary.

Hippocrene Books. Includes 8,500 entries. 331 pages. 8,500 total entries. Commonsense pronunciation. Appendices of common abbreviations. Concise, easy-to-use format. Word-to-word - No definitions. Bosnian language
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SKU: HIPP18117

Bosnian-English, English-Bosnian Language, Dictionary and Phrasebook.

Hippocrene Books. Includes 1,500 entries. 171 pages. Over 1,500 dictionary entries. Essential phrases for getting around the country. Pronunciation fully indicated. Engaging and practical lessons. Ideal for tourists, business travelers,...
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Brazilian Children's Dictionary.

Hippocrene Books. 112 pages. This new dictionary makes learning vocabulary in Brazilian at an early age easier and more enjoyable than ever! Designed to be a child's very first foreign...
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Brazilian-English, English-Brazilian Dictionary.

Hippocrene Books. Includes 30,000 entries. This practical dictionary includes: phonetic guide to pronunciation in both languages. Bilingual instructions on how to use the dictionary. Bilingual list of abbreviations. Paperback 426...
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Brazilian-English, English-Brazilian, Dictionary and Phrasebook.

Hippocrene Books. Brazilian constitutes the largest variation of the European language, with an estimated 170 million out of more than 200 million native speakers worldwide. This bilingual dictionary and travel-oriented...
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Breton-English, English-Breton Language, Dictionary and Phrasebook.

Hippocrene Books. Includes 1,500 entries. Spoken in northwestern France. 175 pages. This book is an easy and helpful introduction to an ancient tongue which has carried forth the tales of...
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SKU: HIPP18119

Bugotu-English, English-Bugotu, Concise Dictionary.

Hippocrene Books. Includes 4,700 entries. Spoken in the Solomon Islands of the South Pacific. 93 pages. Bugotu is spoken on the southern coastal portion of Santa Isabel, one of the...
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Bulgarian-English, English-Bulgarian, Practical Dictionary.

Hippocrene Books. 323 pages. Includes 8,500 entries. Romanized for English speakers 8,500 total entries Includes Cyrillic and Roman scripts Easy-to-use transliteration for both languages Pronunciation guide Perfect for travellers, businesspersons,...
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Byelorussian English, English Byelorussian, Concise Dictionary.

Hippocrene Books. Includes 6,500 entries. 290 pages. Perfect for students and travelers, this new dictionary will help you learn the language of Byelorussia, the region bordering on Poland, Latvia, and...
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Cajun French-English, English-Cajun French Dictionary and Phrasebook.

Hippocrene Books. 141 pages. At the heart of the Cajun culture is a fascinating dialect that has survived the forces of Americanization and is still spoken by over 250,000 residents...
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