Liechtenstein & Western Austria, Road and Physical Travel Reference Map.
Scale 1:26,000 / 1:380,000. Size 27"x39". International Travel Maps edition. Europe is dotted with mini-states that exist solely for historic reasons but are fiercely independent. Liechtenstein, surrounded by Switzerland on its...
Scale 1:26,000 / 1:380,000. Size 27"x39". International Travel Maps edition.
Europe is dotted with mini-states that exist solely for historic reasons but are fiercely independent. Liechtenstein, surrounded by Switzerland on its west and south and Austria on its other borders, is such a state.It is larger and more diverse than many imagine and is quite a popular ski resort region.
Side 1: is a detailed map of the principality, framed on the west by the Rhine River and a bit of Switzerland and on the east by Austria. Most development occurs in the Rhine Valley in a north-south direction, dominated by the capital city of Vaduz.
There are five access points from Switzerland across the Rhine, one from the south, and two from Austria in the north. The ski haven of Malbun is prominently shown, and the scale of the map is detailed enough to name every major street. This also enabled us the opportunity to include schools, shopping areas, post offices, and churches, as well as a wide range of eating establishments. Walking/hiking trails have also been included.
This is the only map of Liechtenstein ever produced by a cartographic firm, and joins Andorra, Luxembourg, and Monaco as a valued part of ITMB’s coverage of Europe.
Side 2: concentrates on eastern Austria and southern Germany from Lake Bodensee to Linz and from the Italian border north to Passau, in Germany. It is both a road/rail map and a physical relief map of this portion of the Alps. It includes its own Top Attractions list. Border crossings are shown merely as a formality, except for Switzerland. This would be an excellent map to use to explore the mountains south of Innsbruck or to discover small villages in the Tirol.