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Vienna - Travel Video.
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DVD. Cities of the World. 60 Minutes. Vienna is a city of music and the arts, where the compositions of Haydn and Mozart are as alive today as the melodies of...
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DVD. Cities of the World. 60 Minutes. Vienna is a city of music and the arts, where the compositions of Haydn and Mozart are as alive today as the melodies of the Strauss family or 'sramli' music. From among the many sights of the 'imperial city' the Hofburg, Sch?nbrunn and Belvedere stand out, but we cannot forget the City Hall, the Stephansdom, or the Kunsthistorische Museum. The ferris-wheel of the Prater, the buildings of Hundertwasser and the Danube Tower show us the modern side of the city. A visit to Vienna would not be complete without a coach trip or a wine tour in Grinzing. The imposing streets create a regal atmosphere for the Monarchy, while in the cafes we can taste the famous Sacher cake and the Viennese kapuziner.

Vienna - Travel Video.