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4 Products Found
pushtu language course
SKU: LONE18324

Central Asia Phrasebook.

Includes comprehensive sections on Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Pushtu, Tajik, Tashkorghani, Turkmen, Uighur and Uzbek.
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SKU: HIPP18322

Introduction To Pushtu.

Romanized. Pushtu (also known as Pashto or Pushto) is one of the official languages of Afghanistan and is also spoken in parts of northern Pakistan. It belongs to the Indo-Iranian...
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SKU: HIPP18323

Pushtu-English, English-Pushtu Dictionary and Phrasebook.

Romanized. Pashto (also known as Pakhto, Pakhtu, or Pushto) is the language of the Pashtoons, or Pushtuns, who have lived since recorded times in the southeast of Afghanistan and the...
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SKU: TALK18321

Talk Now! Pushtu CD ROM Language Course.

We recommend Talk Now! for any language beginner who wants an entertaining self-study course to learn basic phrases, colors, numbers, food, shopping, time, countries, etc. Talk Now! is designed for...
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Pushtu language courses, audio, CD ROM, learn, speak, instruction, dictionary, phrasebook, for independent travellers. Easy and fun.