Bolivia - DVD.
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Come along with us on an adventurous journey to the South American state of Bolivia, a land with the largest Indian population, most diverse nature and a rich and exciting history....
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Come along with us on an adventurous journey to the South American state of Bolivia, a land with the largest Indian population, most diverse nature and a rich and exciting history. Our travels will start on the shores of Titicaca, the sacred lake for all Incas including their descendants. We will visit the Island of the Sun and Moon from where, according to legend, the first Incas originated.We will also get to know the famous history of the traditional totora boats. We will stroll through the largest city in the country and go up to the highest placed metropolis in the world, La Paz. In Cochachambe we will reminisce about the famous Czech scientist Tadeas Haenke, who was the first person to describe the Victoria amazonica or the largest bromeliad in the world- Puya Raimondi.We'll venture into the misty rain forest on the eastern slopes of the Andes to admire the beauty of orchids and the mysterious structure El Fuerte, considered by Erich von D?niken to be a launch ramp for flying machines of an ancient civilization. We will attend a traditional celebration of welcoming the new Aymara year at Inca Racay, in the capital of Sucre we will get acquainted with events that led to the declaration of the country's independence. In the mountains we will visit the town Potos? with the famous silver mountain, and we will even find ourselves standing in the middle of the largest salt dessert in the world, the former lake Minchin, Salar de Uyuni. We will end our educational journey of Bolivia in the famous Tiahuanacu, the highest placed seat of old America and largest megalithic structure built before the coming of the Incas.

Bolivia - DVD.